1. What file system is compatible by Windows 2003?
Both NTFS and FAT.
FAT is compatible with all OS while NTFS offers local file security and only compatible with newer OS, such as Windows NT, 2000, 2003, or XP.
2. What is the default permission when a partition is formatted with NTFS?
The default permissions for Users are Read & Execute, List Folder Contents, and Read. But also gets the special permissions to Create Folders\Append Data and Create Files\Write Data.
3. Who has access to the volume when a partition is formatted with NTFS?
Guests and users with limited access usually have Read access unless admin sets specific folders as private. Admin will have access.
4. What is the best way to secure files and folders that you share on NTFS partitions?
First, put all of the files and folders in 1 shared folder. Then assign NTFS permission to users and groups.
5. What is the definition of data confidentiality?
It provides protection to computer related assets from being used by unauthorized user. Its mean only the right person who has the authority can read, view, print or even knowing the existing of the object. It also called as privacy or secrecy. NTFS protect data from intruders by locking folders or files.
6. If a user has Write permission for a folder and is also a member of a group with Read permission for the folder, what are the user's effective permissions for the folder?
Read and write.
7. What is the best way to define the data availability?
Ensure authorized user can access information at any time without any failure.
8. How the data confidentiality affect data availability?
If concentrated on providing the total confidentiality of the information then the availability of the data is less. Thus the balance between the elements is very important.
9. List two technologies can be used to help reduce downtime and increase the time data is readily available.
a) Clustering
b) load balancing
10. What is the definition of data integrity?
Ensures data can be modified by authorized parties and by authorized mechanism only. Encryption is one of the mechanisms used in providing data integrity.
11. List two threats that can be used to damage the data integrity.
a) Malicious corruption can be done by a virus, worm, or hacker.
b) Accidental changes made to data that conflict with other changes to the same data can damage data integrity.
12. Data integrity can also be threatened by environmental hazards such as dust, surges and excessive heat. True or False?