:: Wireless LANs
Standard :802.11 - Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity)
Speed - 1Mbps & 2Mbps
Focus on layer 1 & 2 OSI model - Physical Layer & Data Link Layer
::802.11 Components
a) Worskstation - notebook or PDA
b) Access Point (AP)
::802.11 Modes
a) Basic Service Station (BSS) - One AP
b) Extend Services Set- 2 or more BSSs
c) Coporates in LANs modes
Ad Hoc Modes
a) Peer to peer. One way.
b) Independent BAsic Service Set
c) Directly communicate without AP
:: Secutity 8 Threat in Wireless
Have 2 security services - authentication & WEP (Wired Equivalence Key)
::Cracking WEP key
a) WepCrack
b) Airsnort
c) Using backtrack 3 (latest 4)
WPA (Wi -Fi Protected Access )
- difficult to crack the key